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One generation to another

HopePoint Kids

Kids Running



Adventureland is the name of our Kids Programs that happen on a Sunday morning. Come a bit early to check your kids in. 

Our Early Childhood Room is for children who are walking to Kindergarten.

Our Primary Room is for children in grades K - 2.



Playtime is held every Friday morning during the school term from 10 am to 12 noon.


It is organized for mothers, carers, and children up to school age by screened, dedicated volunteers from HopePoint Church.


The cost is $5 per family per week.


School and Preschool

Our School and Preschool are outreaches of our church community. We have been a trusted educational provider in our area for over 40 years. 

Enquire today for openings. Spaces are limited, and waiting lists do apply.

Who will be looking after my children?

We have 2 Kids Directors who lead a team of Adult Leaders and Junior Helpers. All of the adult leaders undergo Church Safety training and have a current WWCC. The Junior Leaders are involved in a weekly development program and do a training session each year. Parents are also advised of their child's involvement. Junior leaders are accompanied by an adult leader at all times.


We are guided by the NSW Child Safe Standards in all our policies and procedures. Any suggestions from Kids or Parents regarding our programs are welcomed. Use the link below to send any enquiries or feedback to assist us.

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